
07 Annual Report 2023 值理會報告 REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE 值理會謹將截至二零二三年十二月三十一日止年度之報告及經審計之財務報表呈覽。 The Committee has pleasure in submitting its report together with the audited financial statements for the year ended 31st December, 2023. 財務報表 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 截至二零二三年十二月三十一日止本會各項收支比對出現之收益及有關於二零二三年十二月三十一日的 事務狀況已列於本年度財務報表內。 The total comprehensive income arising from the activities of the Club for the year ended 31st December, 2023 and the state of affairs of the Club as at 31st December, 2023 are set out in the financial statements. 會所活動 CLUB’S ACTIVITIES 本會之主要活動包括網球、高爾夫球、羽毛球、壁球、游泳及其他體育康樂活動。本會同時亦向會員提供 中西式餐飲服務。 The principal activities of the Club are to promote and to provide facilities for tennis, golf, badminton, squash, swimming and other sports and recreational activities. The Club also provides facilities for food and beverages to its members. 值理 COMMITTEE 本年度及截至本報告日止之值理名單如下: The Committee members who held office during the year and up to the date of this report were: 林詩鍵 Kenneth Lam Sze Ken (Chairman 主席) 馮鈺斌 Patrick Fung Yuk Bun (Vice Chairman 副主席 ) 施熙禮 Shih Henry (Honorary Secretary 義務司理 ) 蘇源輝 Bernard So Yuen Fai (Honorary Treasurer 義務司庫 ) 何艾文 Edmund Ho 辛彭芷君 Hsin Pang, Gigi Che Kwan 林 方 Alexander Ling Fong 莫君逸 Mok Kwan Yat 陶家祈 Tao Richard 梅雯珊 Michelle Mui Man Shan 崔智堅 Paul Tsui G Kin 傅浩堅 Frank Fu Hoo Kin 鄭明哲 Cheng Ming Git 陳永浩 Chan Ross Wendell appointed on 28.5.2023 於 2023年5月28日新委任 龐寵醴 Jeremy Pong Chung Lai appointed on 28.5.2023 於 2023年5月28日新委任 蔡中虎 Choy Chung Foo resigned on 28.5.2023 於 2023年5月28日離任 劉恩浩 Lau Yen Hou, Alexander resigned on 28.5.2023 於 2023年5月28日離任 根據會章第77節規定,任期最長的7位值理,林詩鍵、馮鈺斌、何艾文、辛彭芷君、陶家祈、梅雯珊 及崔智堅依章引退仍可被選連任。 In accordance with Article 77 of the Club’s Articles of Association, the seven members of the Committee longest in office since their last election,Kenneth Lam Sze Ken,Patrick FungYuk Bun,Edmund Ho,Hsin Pang,Gigi Che Kwan,Tao Richard,MichelleMui Man Shan and Paul Tsui G Kin shall retire but shall be eligible for re-election. 在本年度內本會並無訂立值理享有有關本會會務權益之重要交易、安排或合約。 No transactions, arrangements or contracts of significance in relation to the Club’s business to which the Club was a party and in which a member of the Committee had a material interest subsisted at the end of the year or at any time during the year. 在本年度內本會並無參與任何協定致令本會值理取得本會或其他組織之利益。 At no timeduring the year was theClubaparty toany arrangements to enableamember of theCommittee to acquire benefits by means of acquisition of an interest in the Club or any other body corporate.