
112 週年年報 82 員工 Staff 本會於2023年聘用約200多名員工。除內部舉辦之培訓課程外,本會亦於2023年還組織員工參加坊間的 技術提昇課程,如工作間的急救常識、會所優質客戶服務工作坊、飲食業安全的主要相關法例、飲食業 基本安全課程等等,以不斷提高員工的專業知識及能力。 The Club employed approximately 200 staff in 2023. In addition to organising internal training modules in 2023, we also arranged for staff to participate in external skill enhancement opportunities, with subjects including “First Aid in the Workplace”, “Excellent Customer Service for Clubhouse Workshop”, “Safety Regulations Related to Working in Catering”,“Safety in Catering” and more. Activities such as these help enhance our staff’s professional knowledge and competence. 社區關懷 Community Outreach 本會一直致力關懷社區,並成立CRC職員義工隊(義工隊),以行動服務社群。義工隊在2023年聖誕 佳節期間,到大坑勵德邨向基層長者舉辦聖誕聯歡會及派發愛心福袋,為社區送上最溫馨的節日祝福。 另外,義工隊更於端午節、中秋節及農曆新年期間,送贈應節食品予東頭邨、樂民新村及大坑坊眾福利會 等,為有需要的長者增添節日氣氛,倍感暖意。為善最樂,我們希望上述義工及捐贈活動能協助社區, 繼續讓長者保持身心健康。 在2023年,本會更榮獲香港中小型企業總商會頒發「友商有良」嘉許、凝動香港體育基金頒發的 2023-25年度「企業一起動」嘉許以及獲香港社會服務聯會頒發2022 /2023年度「商界展關懷」標誌, 以表揚本會積極鼓勵義務工作、關懷社區、及發揮社會資本等各方面的努力。 The Club places great emphasis on giving back to society, and we formed the CRC Staff Volunteer Team (Volunteer Team) to better serve the community. In 2023, the Volunteer Team held a Christmas Party for elderly residents living in Tai Hang Lai Tak Tsuen and gave them Christmas fortune bags.The Volunteer team also donated festive food to Tung Tau Estate, Lok Man Sun Village and the Tai Hang Fong Public Welfare Association during the Dragon Boat, Mid-Autumn and Lunar New Year festivals, sharing warmth and love with the needy. By organising these volunteering activities and making donations, we hope to support seniors in our neighbourhoods by focusing on their physical and mental well-being. In 2023, the CRC was awarded the 2023 "Partner Employer Award" by The Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business.We were also recognised in the InspiringHK Sports Foundation’s "SportsHour Company Scheme 2023-25" and The Hong Kong Council of Social Service’s “Caring Company 2022/2023” programme for our efforts in volunteer work, community care and optimisation of social capital.