
81 Annual Report 2023 D座大樓發展計劃進度報告 Report on Block D Redevelopment Project 在重建委員會的監督下,項目管理團隊密切監管了2023年的工作進度。D座舊樓的拆卸工程在2023年 2月完成,並在3月展開了地基工程。儘管遇到了各種天氣和政府驗收困難,但鑽孔樁工程仍在11月 完成。隨後,在承辦商的配合下進行了開挖和樁帽工程,所有工作終於追回了前期的延誤,並在合同 期限內完成,而D座大樓的上蓋工程亦將如期於2024年展開。在成本控制方面,搬遷及改道工程,拆卸 及圍板工程,和地基工程費符合預算,暫時不須動用預備金。 截至2023年12月31日,已付重建及有關費用為港幣7,968萬,尚未啟動或完工預計合同成本約港幣 3億零9百69萬,重建基金餘額為港幣2億6千1百萬。儘管工程成本會因應實際工程進度,設計改動, 及施工時間而調整,整體工程支出仍按會員通過的預算進行,亦未有動用預備金。同時,重建基金已達 預算的83%,本會將在2024年至2025年按實質需要來吸納新會員,以支付重建工程開支。整體重建 工程時間和成本仍按預算進行,在此感謝D座重建委員會、顧問團隊、承辦商及CRC團隊的工作和 努力。按總體計劃,在天氣正常情況下,整個D座重建工程預計將於2025年年底前完成。 All works for the Block D Redevelopment Project were closely monitored by the project team under the guidance of the redevelopment project steering committee. Demolition of the old Block D Building was completed in February 2023,and foundation work was fully launched in March.Despite challenges such as inclement weather and the need to pass government inspections, the bored piling works were completed in November. Digging and pile cap construction were also successfully completed with the cooperation of the contractors and within the contract period. All work has finally made up for the delay in the early stage. Work on the superstructure for the new Block D building will start as scheduled in 2024. In terms of budgetary control, expenditures for decanting and diversion works, demolition and hoarding works, and foundation works were all in line with the budget. So far, there is no need to tap into the reserve fund. As at 31 December 2023, the amount spent on the project so far was HK$79.68 million. The estimated cost of the remaining works was around HK$309.69 million, while the balance of the redevelopment fund was HK$261 million, which is equal to 83% of the project budget. The total project cost may need to be adjusted based on actual project progress, design changes and construction time. Meanwhile the redevelopment project will continue to be carried out according to the budget and reserves approved by members,thus avoiding the need to trigger the use of the reserve fund.We will continue to recruit new members in 2024-2025 in order to raise additional funds to cover the shortfall. The progress and cost of the redevelopment project are currently in line with expectations. The Club would like to acknowledge and thank the committee for its support, the Block D redevelopment project steering committee for its supervision, and the consultant teams, contractors and CRC staff for their participation. Based on the plan, the redevelopment project will be completed by the end of 2025 should weather permit. D座大樓上層結構及裝修精簡時間表 Simplified Program for Block D Superstructure and Fitting Out 2024 2025 開始 From 完成 End 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 項目開始日期 Project Commence Date 2/2024 « 混凝土結構 Reinforement Concrete Period 3/2024 7/2024 防水與外牆 Water Proofing and Sealing Up StructureOpen 6/2024 8/2024 消防驗測 FS Inspection Date 11/2024 « 使用許可証 OP Date 2/2025 « 前期內裝工程 Fitting Out Period (Before OP) 6/2024 2/2025 後期內裝工程 Fitting Out Period (After OP +185 days) 2/2025 8/2025 項目竣工日期 Project Completion Date 8/2025 «