
112 週年年報 80 會所維修,裝修及翻新工程 Clubhouse Renovation, Refurbishment and Renovation Work 回顧2023年,為了向會友提供更舒適的環境,並提升設施的安全、衛生及環保效益。本會進行了各項 會所設施升級工程,項目包括: 1. A座地下增設家庭更衣室 2. A座地下行人通道優化工程 3. B座車場與會員進口裝修優化 4. B座車場指示牌翻新工程 5. B座地下室外會員休息區翻新工程 6. B座四樓及五樓升降機大堂天花翻新工程 7. B座外牆、及天台網球場翻新工程 8. B座四樓室內網球場翻新工程 9. B座八樓休息室裝修工程 10. C座臨時正門裝修工程 11. C座地下暢通易達洗手間裝修工程 12. C座地下走廊美化工程 13. 網球場行人通道帳篷翻新改善工程 14. 網球場防波網及觀賽區工程 In 2023, the Club carried out various Clubhouse upgrade works to provide members with a more comfortable experience and improve the facilities’ health and safety measures as well as their environmental performance. These include: 1. Construction works for new family changing room on G/F, Block A 2. Optimisation of the corridor on G/F, Block A 3. Renovation of the car park and member entrance at Block B 4. Replacement of directional signage at Block B car park 5. Renovation of outdoor members’ area on G/F, Block B 6. Renovation of lift lobby ceiling on 4/F and 5/F, Block B 7. Renovation of tennis courts at rooftop and external walls of Block B 8. Renovation of indoor tennis courts on 4/F, Block B 9. Construction works for the lounge on 8/F, Block B 10. Construction works for the temporary main entrance at Block C 11. Construction works for the accessible unisex toilet on G/F, Block C 12. Beautification of the corridor on G/F, Block C 13. Renovation and enhancement work of aisle tents beside the tennis courts 14. Construction works involving the protective net and spectator area at the tennis courts B座外牆 Renovation of external walls of Block B 室內網球場翻新工程 Renovation of indoor tennis courts 會員休息區翻新工程 Renovation of members’ area