79 Annual Report 2023 會所綜合服務 Clubhouse Services 停車場 Car park 設有停車場泊車收費系統,持有泊車證的會友在閘口之讀卡器前拍卡即可出、入閘,程序快捷準確。 另設車位供月租使用。電能車充電裝置廣受會友歡迎。為鼓勵更多會友使用充電裝置,我們更把優惠 充電價恆常化,希望藉此為環保出一分力。 With the installed parking payment system,members can enter and exit the car park smoothly by placing their parking cards near the contactless reader at the car park gate. There are also parking spaces available for monthly rental. The electronic vehicle charging facility in the car park is popular amongmembers.To promote sustainability, special rates are offered to members who use the electronic vehicle charging facility. 更衣室 Changing rooms 男更衣室設於A座地下及B座4樓,女更衣室則在A座2樓及B座5樓,今年新設家庭更衣室設於A座 地下。會友可於更衣室內使用休息室、桑拿蒸氣浴室、按摩室等設施。 The Clubhouse has changing rooms for men at G/F, Block A and 4/F, Block B, while the women’s changing rooms are located at 2/F, Block A and 5/F, Block B. A new family changing room, located at G/F, Block A, opened its doors in the year under review.Members may enjoy the lounging area,sauna and steam rooms, massage rooms, and other facilities inside the changing rooms. 體育用品店 Pro shop 設在C座地下的體育用品店不時提供優惠折扣,讓會友選購優質的運動服裝及用品。該店亦為會友提供 維修球拍服務。 Members can find great deals on quality sports apparel and equipment at the Pro shop, located at G/F, Block C. The pro shop also provides racket repair services. 環保措施 Environmental Protection Measures 保護美好環境,有賴會友對本會減廢及回收工作的支持。為實踐綠色生活,本會推行了不少環保措施, 例如推行廚餘、廢紙、膠樽、 鋁 罐及玻璃回收、利是封回收重用及網球回收等活動。此外,本會亦積極 從源頭減廢,包括鼓勵會友訂閱電子會訊及收取電子賬單、使用環保乾傘器、減少使用膠袋並轉用以 環保物料製造的塑膠袋、飲管及外賣盒等。 The CRC’s environmental protection efforts depend on the collective support of our members for our waste reduction and recycling initiatives.To promote a green lifestyle,the CRC recycles food waste,paper,plastic bottles, aluminium, glass, and also reuses and recycles lai see and tennis balls. In addition, we proactively reduce waste at source by encouraging members to subscribe to e-newsletters and e-statements, use environmentally friendly umbrella dryers, reduce plastic bag use, and switch from plastic bags, drinking straws and take-out boxes to ones made of environmentally friendly materials. 美化環境及衛生措施 Environmental enhancement and hygiene measures 除了加密清潔體育設施,我們亦定期修葺樹木、清理渠道及清洗傢具、地板及地毯,美化會所環境的 同時消毒滅蟲,營造更舒適清潔的會所環境。 In addition to increasing the cleaning frequency of our sports facilities for better health and safety,the CRC also carries out regular environmental enhancement measures including tree pruning, clearing gutters, and cleaning furniture, floors and carpets. These efforts enhance and sanitise the Club’s environment and control pests to ensure the health and comfort of members.
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