112 週年年報 78 飲食服務 Catering Service 中餐廳 Chinese Restaurant 餐廳午市供應粵式美點、粥粉麵飯、精美小菜、商務套餐。晚市供應晚飯小菜、壽筵喜酌。定期推出 時令食譜、特價套餐,選擇多元化,深受會友喜愛。 During lunch hours, the Chinese Restaurant serves Cantonese dim sum, exquisite dishes, business sets, and everything from congee, rice noodles and egg noodles to rice. For dinner, it offers dinner sets, Cantonese classics and longevity birthday celebration packages. Its diversified seasonal menus and special sets, which are launched regularly, are highly popular among members. 西餐廳 Western Restaurant 為會友提供西餐餐飲服務。設有闊大梳化卡座,滿足會友不同需要。 Appointed with copious sofa booths, this restaurant offers members authentic, quality Western culinary delights in a relaxing environment. 會所雅廊 Club Lounge 會所雅廊供應各式咖啡奶茶飲品、輕食及定期推出各款精美小食。 The Club Lounge serves a wide range of tea, coffee and beverages as well as a thoughtfully curated range of light meals. 宴會設施服務 Banquet facilities and services 會友可預訂中餐廳及西餐廳的貴賓房、池畔、A座大細會議室等等,以進行各種私人派對。 Members are welcome to reserve private banquet rooms inside the Chinese Restaurant and Western Restaurant, the meeting rooms at Block A, the poolside area, and other event venues to host their private functions. 麻雀耍樂 Mahjong 本會牌房設於C座,共有8間牌房供會友麻雀耍樂。 The Club has eight game rooms at Block C for Mahjong activities. 青少年活動 Junior Activities 本會非常關心會友下一代的健康成長和全面發展,青訓部多年來所舉辦的活動均得到家長及子女的 支持,一直以提供更多青少年訓練活動予會友選擇為目標。 在2023年,青訓部總共成功舉辦了超過30項活動,共有368人次參加,其中包括暑期活動26項,共 239人次參加。 2023年青少年網球隊參加不同組別的全港網球隊際聯賽,取得不俗成績。在春季賽事,A1組奪得冠軍, A2組奪得第三名;在秋季賽事, A2組取得亞軍, A1組進入四強。 The Club aims to provide holistic development for its young members. The Junior Programme Sub- Committee offers a diverse variety of youth training activities that are always well received by young members and their parents. In 2023, we hosted 30 leisure and recreational activities as well as systematic sports training for a total of 368 young members. Among these events were 26 summer activities that drew 239 entrants. The youth tennis teams participated in various Hong Kong tennis leagues and achieved good results. CRC Group A1 was champion, and Group A2 was second runner-up. For the autumn league, Group A2 was runner-up and Group A1 was in the semi-finals.
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