112 週年年報 66 Day 1 Day 2 1 發球最遠獎 - 4號洞 Longest Drive (Hole #4) Anton Eilers (ACHK) 楊時匡 Bernard Yeung Sie Hong (CRC) 2 發球最遠獎 - 8號洞 Longest Drive (Hole #8) Anton Eilers (ACHK) 因天雨關係取消 Matches cancelled due to bad weather 3 發球最遠獎 - 12號洞 Longest Drive (Hole #12) Chris Cahill (ACHK) Chris Cahill (ACHK) 4 最近旗獎 - 2號洞 Closest to the Pin (Hole #2) 曾祥寵 Tsang Chiang Chung (CRC) 朱東來 Tony Chu Tung Loy (CRC) 5 最近旗獎 - 5號洞 Closest to the Pin (Hole #5) 楊時匡 Bernard Yeung Sie Hong (CRC) 因天雨關係取消 Matches cancelled due to bad weather 6 最近旗獎 - 11號洞 Closest to the Pin (Hole #11) David Wei (ACHK) 李盛仁 Philip Lee Sheng Jen (CRC) 7 最近旗獎 - 14號洞 Closest to the Pin (Hole #14) Calvin Hsu (ACHK) 曾祥寵 Tsang Chiang Chung (CRC) 8 最近旗獎 - 17號洞 Closest to the Pin (Hole #17) 楊時匡 Bernard Yeung Sie Hong (CRC) Nicholas Lock (ACHK) 9 兩桿最近旗獎 - 3號洞 Drive and Pitch (Hole #3) Chris Cahill (ACHK) Shane Burgess (ACHK) 10 兩桿最近旗獎 - 15號洞 Drive and Pitch (Hole #15) Nicholas Lock (ACHK) Shane Burgess (ACHK) 中游盃高爾夫球錦標賽2023 CRC Cup Golf Tournament 2023 由高爾夫球部舉辦的「中游盃高爾夫球錦標賽2023」已於2023年5月18日在賽馬會滘西洲公眾高爾夫 球場南場順利舉行。是次比賽一共吸引了22位熱愛高爾夫球的會友參加,反應熱烈。在此謹代表高爾 夫球部恭賀各得獎者。賽事得獎名單如下: The CRC Cup Golf Tournament 2023, organised by the Golf Sub-committee, was held successfully on 18 May 2023 at the South Course of The Jockey Club Kau Sai Chau Public Golf Course.The event attracted a total of 22 golfers. The Club congratulates the winners, who are as follows:
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