
65 Annual Report 2023 桌球 Snooker 會友士碌架讓分賽2022 Snooker Tournament 2022 高爾夫球 Golf 中美高爾夫球友誼賽2023 Chinese American Friendship Cup 2023 「香港中美高爾夫球友誼盃」在闊別3年後,賽事終在2023年5月6及7日在蓮花山高爾夫球會重新 舉行。是次賽事本會及美國會各派出10位球手參賽。第一天的賽事以4-ball-better-ball形式進行, 本會於賽事早段落後於美國會,其後本會「父女檔」劉曙光先生及劉曉恩小姐發揮出色,成功縮短 差距,最後以2比3成績完成首日賽事。第二天的賽事則以 Singles Match Play 方式進行,無奈比賽中段 因出現雷雨而需要終止賽事,並以賽事終止前的成績計算第二天的雙方得分,結果第二日本會成功以 5.5比4.5獲勝。總結兩天賽事,總比分為7.5比7.5,本會與美國會並列冠軍。在此謹代表高爾夫球部 恭賀各得獎者,並感謝隊長李盛仁先生的悉心安排,讓球員們都能在輕鬆愉快的環境下互相交流及切磋 球技。 各項目優勝者如下: After a three-year hiatus, the Chinese American Friendship Cup made a comeback. The event was successfully held at the Lotus Hill Golf Resort on 6 and 7 May 2023 and featured 10 players each from the CRC andAmerican Club.The first day's matches were played in the four-ball better ball format.The American Club took the early advantage over the CRC, but Team CRC members Mr Lau Chu Kwong and Ms Lau Hue Yan’s outstanding work in closing the gap allowed the first day to end with a 2:3 score.The second days’matches were held in singles match play format but regrettably had to be stopped midway due to a thunderstorm. As a result, the CRC won the second day by leading 5.5:4.5 before play was suspended. The final score at the end of the competition was 7.5:7.5, resulting in a tie between the American Club and CRC. The Club congratulates its participants and thanks its team leader, Mr Philip Lee Sheng Jen, for making the thoughtful arrangements that allowed the players to enjoy the games in a relaxed and pleasant environment. The winners are as follows: 「會友士碌架讓分賽2022」經過各會友全力爭勝 後,已於2023年3月15日圓滿結束。陳志威先生 在決賽以總局數4:0戰勝了李耀輝先生贏得冠軍 寶座。優勝者如下: The champion of Snooker Tournament 2022 was held on 15 March 2023 and featured very competitive matches. Mr Chan Chi Wai defeated Mr LeeYiu Fai to win the championship.The winners are as follows: 冠軍 Champion 陳志威 Chan Chi Wai 亞軍 Runner-up 李耀輝 Danny Lee Yiu Fai