112 週年年報 62 CRC 青少年網球馬拉松挑戰盃2023 Junior Tennis Marathon Challenge Cup 2023 「青少年網球馬拉松挑戰盃2023」順利完成,今年比賽獲得本會青少年球員的鼎力支持,共有45人 參加,舉行7個賽事項目,總場數接近60場。各位球手施展渾身解數,以馬拉松形式經歷了一輪又一輪 激烈的比賽。在此感謝一眾參賽者的支持並恭賀每一位優勝者。各項目優勝者如下: During the year, the Club also successfully held the Junior Tennis Marathon Challenge Cup 2023. The tournament enjoyed strong support with 45 young players entering. Nearly 60 fiercely competitive matches were played across a total of seven events. The Club thanks the participation of the teams and congratulates the winners. The winners are as follows: 會友網球挑戰盃2023 CRC Tennis Challenge Cup 2023 會友網球挑戰盃2023已於2023年4月8日順利完成,共有22位球員參與。感謝一眾參賽者的支持, 本年度成功舉辦三項賽事,當中包括:男子DIV2單打,男子DIV3單打及女子DIV2雙打。在此代表網球部 恭賀每一位得獎者。以下為是次比賽的得獎名單: Twenty-two entrants participated in last year’s Members Tennis Challenge Cup,which was held on 8 April 2023. Three events were held, including Division 2 Men's Singles, Division 3 Men's Singles and Division 2 Ladies' Singles. The Club thanks its members for their participation and congratulates the winners,who are as follows: 項目 Events 冠軍 Champion(s) 亞軍 Runner(s)-up 1 男子 DIV 2 單打 Division 2 Men’s Singles 黃尚文 Sherman Wong 鄭維章 Herman Cheng 2 男子 DIV 3 單打 Division 3 Men’s Singles 林蘭浩 Andre Lin 梁延超 Charles Leung 3 女子 DIV 2 雙打 Division 2 Ladies’ Doubles 劉允安、關晞怡 Anthea Liu & Leanne Kwan 章曼欣、謝沛傑 Sunee Chiraseivinupraphand & Lisa Tse
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