
59 Annual Report 2023 值理兼賽事總監林方先生(中)向18歲或以下女子單打錦標賽冠軍 陳巧澄(左)及亞軍梁睿希(右)頒獎。 Mr Ling Fong Alexander, the Tournament Supervisor of the CRC OPEN 2023 Tournament Committee and Committee Member of the Club (middle), presents the 18 Or Under Junior Girls' Singles trophies to the champion,Rosalyn Chan Hau Ching (left), and runner-up Hebe Leung Yui Hei (right). 值理傅浩堅博士(中)向18歲或以下女子雙打錦標賽冠軍陳巧澄 (左一)/梁睿希(左二)及亞軍黃瀅芝(右二)/施曉彤(右一)頒獎。 Dr Frank Fu, Committee Member of the Club (middle), presents the 18 Or Under Junior Girls' Doubles trophies to the champions, Rosalyn Chan Hau Ching (first from left) and Hebe Leung Yui Hei (second from left), and runners-up, Sze Hiu Tung (second from right) and Chloe Wong Ying Chi (first from right). 香港中華游樂會主席林詩鍵先生(右)向愛心聖誕大行動代表頒贈 善款支票。 Mr Kenneth Lam, Chairman of the Club (right), presents the charity cheque to the representative of Operation Santa Claus. 「全港網球公開賽2023」賽事委員會主席兼本會副義務司理何艾文 先生(右)向九龍樂善堂代表頒贈善款支票。 Mr Edmund Ho, Tournament Committee Chairman of the CRC OPEN 2023 and Deputy Honorary Secretary of the Club (right), presents the charity cheque to the representative of The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society Kowloon. 副義務司庫梅雯珊小姐(中)向混合雙打公開錦標賽冠軍王康怡 (左二)/王康傑(左一)及亞軍鄧諾瑤(右二)/余程昊(右一)頒獎。 Ms Michelle Mui, Deputy Honorary Treasurer of the Club (middle), presents the Mixed Open Doubles trophies to the champions, Cody Wong Hong Yi (first from left) and Jack Wong Hong Kit (second from left), and runners-up Nikita Tang Nok Yiu (second from right) and Sunny Yue Ching Ho (first from right). 義務司庫蘇源輝先生(中)向18歲或以下男子雙打錦標賽冠軍吳嘉朗 (左一)/張毅愷(左二)及亞軍李昊昀(右二)/林俊熙(右一)頒獎。 Mr Bernard So, Honorary Treasurer of the Club (middle), presents the 18 Or Under Junior Boys' Doubles trophies to the champions,Cheung Ngai Hoi (first from left) and Ng Ka Long (second from left),and runners-up Li Ho Wan (second from right) and Lam Chun Hei (first from right).