
112 週年年報 58 「全港網球公開賽2023」賽事委員會主席兼副義務司理何艾文 先生(中)向18歲或以下男子單打錦標賽冠軍鄭肇致(左)及亞軍 王瑞麟(右)頒獎。 Mr Edmund Ho, Tournament Committee Chairman of the CRC OPEN 2023 and Deputy Honorary Secretary of the Club (middle), presents the 18 Or Under Junior Boys' Singles trophies to the champion,Cheng Siu Chi (left),and runner-up Wang Sui Lun (right). 副義務司庫梅雯珊小姐(中)向女子雙打公開錦標賽冠軍伍曼瑩 (左一)/Sviatlana Pirazhenka (左二)及亞軍王康怡(右二)/王兆宜 (右一)頒獎。 Ms Michelle Mui, Deputy Honorary Treasurer of the Club (middle), presents the Ladies' Open Doubles trophies to the champions, Maggie Ng Man Ying (first from left) and Sviatlana Pirazhenka (second from left), and runners-up Cody Wong Hong Yi (second from right) and Wang Chao Yi (first from right). 值理陶家祈先生(中)向14歲或以下男子單打錦標賽冠軍蔡富泓(左) 及亞軍傅子越(右)頒獎。 Mr Richard Tao, Committee Member of the Club (middle), presents the 14 Or Under Junior Boys' Singles trophies to the champion, Choi Fu Wang (left), and runner-up Jason Fu (right). 值理陶家祈先生(中)向14歲或以下女子單打錦標賽冠軍Sera Park (左)及亞軍黃瀅芝(右)頒獎。 Mr Richard Tao, Committee Member of the Club (middle), presents the 14 Or Under Junior Girls' Singles trophies to the champion, Sera Park (left), and runner-up Chloe Wong Ying Chi (right). 副主席馮鈺斌博士(中)向男子雙打公開錦標賽冠軍黃俊鏗(左一)/王康傑(左二)及亞軍Aziz Khan (右二)/林永倫(右一)頒獎。 Dr Patrick Fung,Vice-Chairman of the Club (middle), presents the Men's Open Doubles trophies to the champions, Kevin Wong Chun Hun (first from left) and Jack Wong Hong Kit (second from left), and runners-up Ray Lam Wing Lun (second from right) and Aziz Khan (first from right).