57 Annual Report 2023 義務司理施熙禮先生(中)向男子單打公開錦標賽冠軍黃俊鏗(左)及亞軍梁以行(右)頒獎。 Mr Henry Shih, Honorary Secretary of the Club (middle), presents the Men's Open Singles trophies to the champion, Kevin Wong Chun Hun (left), and runner-up Ethan Leung Yi Hang (right). 中國香港網球總會時任會長莫君逸先生(中)向女子單打公開錦標賽冠軍王康怡(左)及亞軍伍曼瑩(右)頒獎。 Mr Philip Mok, then-President of the Hong Kong, China Tennis Association (middle), presents the Ladies' Open Singles trophies to the champion, Cody Wong Hong Yi (left), and runner-up Maggie Ng Man Ying (right).
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