112 週年年報 54 會務報告書 Club Statement 在本屆值理會齊心合力推展下,貫徹執行「香港中華游樂會D座重建計劃」。各臨時設施正常投入運作, 並得到會友的正面評價。值理會在未來的日子務必以嚴謹務實的態度全力實踐D座重建計劃。 現屆任滿,謹將一年來各部門工作簡報於後: The Club will continue to execute the Block D redevelopment project in a pragmatic manner.All temporary facilities are already in place, and members’ responses to the interim arrangement have been positive. The Committee and Redevelopment Task Force have been pressing ahead with the project to ensure it is implemented smoothly and on schedule. As at the conclusion of the current term, the Club had set out the work completed by its departments in the past year in the following sections: 財政 Finance 本年度收支賬目詳載於財務報告內,經本會核數師伍國楝會計師事務所核準,尚希亮察。 (1) 根據香港財務報告準則,會員入會費、會所物業折舊需先入全面收益表,再撥回至儲備基金變動表。 本年度該兩項數之淨盈餘為港元63,604, 259,經收入全面收益表後,本年度盈餘為港元 69,694,389。 但在儲備基金變動表內,經回撥此兩項數至會員基金及建設準備金之後,本年度其他收入及支出前之 盈餘為港元6,090,130。 (2) 截至2023年12月31日結算日止,現金及定期存款合共為港元370,939,330,較上年增加港元18,322,151。 (3) 本年度利息收入為港元15,820,397,比對上年度增加港元10,930,488。 (4) 本年度會所物業更新工程為港元28,858,600,購買傢俬器具及電腦器材合共為港元1,047,876。 The income and expenditure accounts for the year are detailed in the financial statements, which has been approved by our auditor, Messrs. Tony Kwok Tung Ng & Co., and listed as below. 1) According to Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards, all entrance fees and depreciation of Clubhouse property must first be recorded in the statement of comprehensive income and then transferred back to the statement of changes in reserve funds. The net surplus of these two amounts for the year was HK$63,604,259. After being included in the statement of comprehensive income, the surplus for the year was HK$69,694,389. However, in the statement of changes in reserve funds, these two amounts were transferred back to member funds and building construction & development reserve. After the deduction, the surplus before other income and charges for the year was HK$6,090,130. 2) As of the settlement date onDecember 31,2023,the total cash and time deposits were HK$370,939,330, an increase of HK$18,322,151 compared with last year. 3) Interest income for the year was HKD15,820,397,an increase of HKD10,930,488 compared with last year. 4) The Clubhouse property renovation project for the year was HK$28,858,600, and the purchase of furniture and computer equipment amounted to HK$1,047,876.
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