112 週年年報 52 19. 員工長期服務金及退休金準備 PROVISION FOR STAFF LONG SERVICE AND RETIREMENT PAYMENTS 員工長期服務金及退休金準備 Provision for staff long service and retirement payments 港元 HK$ 於二零二三年一月一日結存 At 1.1.2023 2,508,846 本年已提準備金額 Amount provided for the year 666,874 本年已動用金額 Amount utilised for the year (110,587) 於二零二三年十二月三十一日結存 At 31.12.2023 3,065,133 2023 2022 港元 港元 HK$ HK$ 分析為: Analysed as: 非流動負債 Non-current liabilities 3,065,133 2,508,846 20. 承擔 COMMITMENTS 於報告期末,本會之合約仍未完成為: At the end of the reporting period, the Club had the following outstanding commitments in respect of: 2023 2022 港元 港元 HK$ HK$ 已簽約但未提準備 Contracted for but not provided for 一般會所及設施 General Clubhouse and Facilities 翻修工程 Refurbishment Projects — 28,965,980 D座重建計劃 Redevelopment Project - Block D 310,857,780 337,686,447 日常運作費用 Operating expenses 605,566 802,666 311,463,346 367,455,093 於二零二一年九月二十六日舉行的特別會員大會,本會通過D座重建,將設重建基金合共港元 450,000,000。 At an extraordinary general meeting of members held on 26th September, 2021, it was resolved that the Club will re-develop Block D, the total redevelopment fund will be HK$450,000,000.
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