
(根據公司條例在香港註冊成立之無股份資本保證之有限公司) ( Incorporated in Hong Kong under the Companies Ordinance and Limited by Guarantee ) 香港大坑銅鑼灣道123號 123 Tung Lo Wan Road, Tai Hang, Hong Kong Tel: 2577 7376 香港中華游樂會召開會員週年大會通告書 敬啟者:茲定於二零二四年五月二十六日(星期日)下午二時三十分,在香港大坑銅鑼灣道123號 本會會所召開會員週年大會,屆時敬希撥冗出席討論下列事項: 一. 省覽本會值理會報告 二. 通過本會二零二三年度之財務報表及財務狀況表 三. 聘請下屆核數師及授權值理會釐定其酬金 四. 選舉下屆值理 承值理會命 義務司理  施熙禮 謹啟 二零二四年五月一日 註: (一) 議程一、二之有關資料,詳情請參閱2023年度年報。 (二) 會員可委派代表出席及(如會員有投票權)投票。代表人毋須為本會會員。 (三) 代表委託書正本,最遲須於大會或其延會指定舉行時間48小時前投入位於本會辦事處的委託書收集箱,方為有效。 CHINESE RECREATION CLUB, HONG KONG Notice of Annual General Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of Chinese Recreation Club, Hong Kong (“the Club”) will be held in the Clubhouse, 123, Tung Lo Wan Road, Hong Kong on Sunday the 26th day of May, 2024 at 2:30p.m. for the following purposes: 1. To receive and consider the Report of the Committee. 2. To approve the Financial Statements and Statement of Financial Position of the Club for the year ended 31st December, 2023. 3. Toappoint Auditors for theensuing year andauthorize theCommittee to fix their remuneration. 4. To elect Members of the Committee. Dated the 1st day of May, 2024. By Order of the Committee Henry Shih Hon. Secretary Remarks: 1. For the information of agenda 1 and 2, please refer to the Annual Report of 2023. 2. A member may appoint a proxy (whether a member or not) to attend and (if the member is entitled to vote) vote for him/her at the meeting. 3. The original proxy form must be deposited into the box designated for collection of proxy forms placed at the registered office of the Club not less than 48 hours before the time appointed for holding the meeting (or the adjourned meeting as the case may be).