continue to comply with Government policy on requirements for lease renewal. In future negotiations on land premium, the Club will vigorously advocate for the best terms so as to minimise any potential impact on its members and ensure financial health. Under the leadership of Mr Vincent Leung, CRC’s general manager,the management team continued to perform its duties faithfully and maintain the Club’s normal operations.We endeavour to provide quality facilities and service for our members, and facilities are kept in good condition through regular inspection, maintenance, repair and renovation. 未來發展 MOVING FORWARD 本會繼續以務實的態度,貫徹執行「D座重建計劃」。各臨時設施現已投入運作,並得到會友的正面 評價。D座重建工程是重要里程碑,是本會在未來發展的一個歷史時刻。按計劃進度,整個D座重建 工程將於2025年年底前完成。 The Club will continue to execute the Block D redevelopment project in a pragmatic manner.All temporary facilities are already in place, and members’ responses to the interim arrangement have been positive. Block D redevelopment project is an important historical moment in the Club’s future development. Based on the planned schedule, the redevelopment project will be completed by the end of 2025. 19 Annual Report 2023
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