
112 週年年報 18 供應商 SUPPLIERS 本會一向採用信譽良好及產品、服務優質的供應商,並嚴格執行採購指引,定期審視供應商的產品、 服務質素和價格,以確保會所的採購物有所值。 The Club strives to source only from reputable, quality suppliers.We strictly enforce our procurement policy and review the quality and prices of the products and services provided by our suppliers on a regular basis in order to ensure value for money. 設施開放 OPENING UP FACILITIES 本會積極配合文化體育及旅遊局的「向合資格外界團體開放」政策,繼續主動邀請不同體育總會和全港 中、小學以極低廉收費,甚至免費租用本會體育設施。除了網總,香港元老網球總會、中國香港卡巴迪 總會、聖雅各福群會、大坑青年中心等團體亦經常使用本會設施進行各種體育活動及隊際網球訓練。 Pursuant to theOpen-up Scheme for EligibleOutside Bodies under Private Recreational Leases administered by the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau, the Club actively invites national sports associations as well as all local primary and secondary schools to hire the Club’s sports venues either free of charge or at very low rates. In addition to the HKCTA, local organisations including the Hong Kong Veterans' Tennis Association, Hong Kong China Kabaddi Association, St. James' Settlement, Tai Hang Youth Centre and more frequently held sports activities and conducted tennis team trainings at the Club in 2023. 團隊及管治 OUR PEOPLE AND GOVERNANCE 本會值理會制定會所政策及監督政策執行情況,轄下設有多個小組委員會及專責小組督導不同營運及 發展項目,並聘請會所總經理負責日常運作及行政管理。提供優質服務乃本會一貫的宗旨。因此,本會 通過員工培訓,提高員工服務質素,讓他們培養豐富知識、技能及服務技巧。 本會於2023年聘用約200多名員工。與此同時,會方亦非常重視團隊精神,通過加強日常溝通及定期 檢討,使團隊成員的向心力、凝聚力可更有效地發揮,以帶領全體員工堅守崗位,確保會所運作暢順。 The Club’s General Committee is responsible for making policies and supervising the implementation of these policies. Several sub-committees and task forces are charged with supervising the execution of various operational and developmental projects, while the General Manager is responsible for the Club’s day-to-day administration. The Club employed approximately 200 staff in 2023. As delivery of quality service is one of CRC’s long- held missions, the Club continued to provide training to enhance the professional knowledge, skill sets and service of its employees. The Club also attaches great importance to building team spirit among staff. Through strengthened daily communication and regular reviews, we can enhance camaraderie and encourage all our people to be fully committed to performing their duties, thus ensuring smooth operations. 風險與挑戰 RISKS AND CHALLENGES 政府早前提出就私人遊樂場地契約續約的考慮因素與本會的宗旨及發展方向是一致的,尤其在體育 「普及化」、「精英化」、「盛事化」三大政策目標方面。然而,政府徵收地價的新安排有可能對本會 的運作及未來發展帶來影響,本會將繼續積極配合政府政策,確保會所營運符合地契要求。在將來有關 地價的商議中,會方一定會盡力為會友爭取最佳的契約條款,將對會友可能帶來的影響減至最低,確保 財政維持穩健狀態。本會在會所總經理梁文滔先生帶領下,團隊成員盡忠職守,維持會所正常營運。 本會致力提供優質設施和服務,透過定期檢測、保養、維修及翻新,確保設施運作正常。 The Club’s mission and developmental direction are consistent with the key considerations for contract renewal of PRLs cited by the Government, in particular the Government’s three policy objectives: promoting sports in the community, supporting elite sports development and promoting Hong Kong as a centre for major international sports events. That said, the Government’s proposal for new arrangements regarding land premiums may affect the operation and future development of the Club. The Club will