
17 Annual Report 2023 本會鼓勵會友減廢、循環再用和節能。會所內多處設有垃圾分類回收箱;停車場設有六部電動車充電 裝置;會所內照明系統亦逐步轉用 LED燈;設有太陽能熱水爐為更衣室供應熱水;盥洗用品採用大容量 裝,減少即棄膠樽。於2023年,餐廳回收高達4,536公升的廢油,用作提煉生物柴油。 我們亦致力保護本會的自然資源,會所內的有多棵樹齡逾半世紀的大樹,部份更是由老會友親自栽種。 本會設有樹木保育計劃,每年委託合資格樹藝師為樹木進行健康檢查及修剪,確保樹木安全健康。 As part of its on-going commitment to environmental protection, the Club rolled out a number of effective initiatives in 2023. • Tennis ball recycling bags were placed outside the courts, which resulted in more than 15,000 (approx. 900kg) old tennis balls being collected in 2023 and sent to recycling facilities for conversion to alternative fuels. The CRC is one of the top recyclers of old tennis balls among all private clubs in Hong Kong. • The annual report and members’monthly newsletter were printed with soy ink and FSC-certified paper, which are helpful components in the paper recycling process. • Through the Club’s efforts to promote paperless communication, the number of people registered for CRC e-news increased to 936. • We collected a total of 21,782 kg of food waste, thus helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions from landfills. • We recycled 276 kg of glass containers for conversion into reusable materials. • We continued to provide an online enrolment platform for the CRC OPEN to reduce paper waste. • Participants in sports activities were encouraged to bring their own water bottles to reduce plastic waste. • Most of the takeaway containers and plastic bags at Club restaurants are now made with environmentally friendly materials. • The Club also continued to recycle aluminium cans as well as plastic and paper waste. The Club actively encourages its members to reduce waste, recycle resources and conserve energy. We have placed waste separation bins throughout our facilities. Six electric vehicle chargers are available to members. We are phasing in LED lights, using solar water heaters in changing rooms and purchasing bathing products in large-size packaging to reduce our use of disposable plastic bottles. In the year under review, a total of 4,536 litres of used cooking oil were collected by Club restaurants for conversion into biofuel. CRC is also home to many half-century-old trees, the majority of which were planted by our elder members. Under a robust tree conservation plan implemented by the Club, a certified arborist is commissioned annually to conduct health checks on the trees and prune branches. 關懷社區 COMMUNITY CARE 本會在「香港中華游樂會全港網球公開賽2023」中與兩間慈善機構攜手合作,於賽事決賽週內有 主裁判執法之賽事,球員每開出一球ACE,會方會捐出港幣250元,並透過九龍樂善堂和愛心聖誕 大行動,用作為弱勢社群籌辦有益身心的活動。今年賽事錄得150球ACE,合共籌得港幣37,500元。 本會致力關懷社區,在2019年成立的CRC職員義工隊,一直以積極行動服務社群。 本會繼續支持人才培育,我們於2023年共與2間大專院校合作,為3名大專生提供實習機會。2023年 合作院校包括香港都會大學及香港大學專業進修學院。 During the 2023 CRC OPEN, the Club donated HK$250 to its charity partners – The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society Kowloon and Operation Santa Claus – for every ace hit by players during main draw matches officiatedby a chair umpire.Themonies raisedwere used to support health initiatives for the underprivileged. Players hit 150 aces during these tournament matches, helping raise a total of HK$37,500. The Club has also been working to further strengthen its commitment to society.We founded the CRC Staff Volunteer Team in 2019 and have been proactively serving the community ever since. To continue nurturing young talent, the Club offered 3 internship places to tertiary students studying at Hong Kong Metropolitan University and Hong Kong University’s School of Professional and Continuing Education.