112 週年年報 08 會務審視 BUSINESS REVIEW 香港中華游樂會是香港優質私人體育會,本會宗旨是「推廣運動,融入社區」,致力為會友提供優質的 服務和設施,以及促進體育發展和參與社區活動,百多年來對推動本地體育的發展作出積極貢獻。 The Chinese Recreation Club,Hong Kong (CRC) is one of the city’s leading private sports clubs.Our mission is to provide quality services and facilities to members, promote the development of sports in Hong Kong and participate in community activities. The Club has been actively contributing to the development of local sports for more than 100 years. 會籍 MEMBERSHIP 本會匯聚社會各階層人士,截至2023年12月31日共有會員3,811名,其中218位為新會員。 The Club brings together people from all walks of life. As at 31st December 2023, the Club had 3,811 members, including 218 new members. 財務 FINANCES 本會各部門服務及活動於2023年已全面恢復正常運作。全年總收入及支出分別為港元223,311,404 (2022:港元222,534,569)及港元153,617,015 (2022:港元130,172,293)。總收入相比上年略為增加。 而總支出增加主要因為日常運作成本上升所致。 本年度本會在其他收入及支出前之營運盈餘為港元6,090,130 (2022:虧絀為港元4,906,062),較上年度增加 港元10,996,192,主要在高息定期存款下獲利息收入為港元15,820,397 (2022:港元4,889,909),增加 224%。為提升更好及更安全的設施,維修保養費用增加93%至港元7,302,756(2022:港元3,775,241)。 本會的財政狀況一向維持穩健,本年共吸納218位新會員(提名會員6位,入會費港元1,800,000; 另 212位會員,其中普通會員 46位,入會費港元600, 000 ),合共會費收入為港元56,130,000 (2022:HK$103,710,000)及建築附加費為港元15,525,000 (2022: HK$880,000)。 The Club’s services and activities are fully resumed and operating as normal in 2023. Total income and expenditure during the year amounted to HK$223,311,404 (2022: HK$222,534,569) and HK$153,617,015 (2022: HK$130,172,293) respectively. There was a slight increase in total income as compared with last year. The increase in total expenditure was mainly due to the increase in cost of operations. The Club achieved an operating surplus before other income and charges of HK$6,090,130 (2022: deficit HK$4,906,062) for the year, an increase of HK$10,996,192 as compared with last year, mainly due to the interest income of HK$15,820,397 (2022: HK$4,889,909) was earned from high-interest time deposits, an increase of 224%. To enhance better and safer facilities, repair and maintenance expenses increased by 93% to HK$7,302,756 (2022: HK$3,775,241). The Club's financial situation status remains healthy, during the year 218 new members were admitted. (6 nominee members with an entrance fee of HK$1,800,000, and 212 other members in which 46 were ordinary members with an entrance fee of HK$600,000), in the total membership fee income were HK$56,130,000 (2022: HK$103,710,000) and building construction levy of HK$15,525,000 (2022: HK$880,000).
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